Technical Specification of FAST Ballistic Helmet
1. Purpose: Provide reliable protection for employees from hits and bullets, with increased mobility and functionality.
Accessories of helmet:
1.1. Side rails for accessories - (two rails included);
1.2. Night vision goggle mount, "L3 Insight Technology" model, model "AN / PVS-15" - 1 or equivalent glasses with 2 security elastic
1.3. System extender, model "CBRN Mask Extender", for joint use of "M95" gas mask or equivalent;
2. Ballistic protection requirements for the helmet:
2.1. The helmet has a level of protection IIIA in accordance with standards NIJ-STD-0106.01 and NIJ-STD-0108.01 or equivalent
2.2. To provide 100% protection against hits and rebounds of bullets with soft heart, pistols and revolver cartridges as follows:
2.2.1. According to standard NIJ-STD-0106.01 or equivalent; 9mm para FMJ, bullet weight 8.0 ± 0.1 gram, test tube length 10 to 12 cm, initial bullet velocity 358 ± 15 m / sec.
2.2.2. According to standard NIJ-STD-0108.01 or equivalent; 9mm para FMJ, bullet weight 8.0 ± 0.1 gram, test bar with a length of 24 to 26 cm, initial bullet velocity of 426 ± 15 m / s .; .44 Magnum Lead SWC Gas Checked, bullet weight 15.55 ± 0.1 gram, test tube length 14 to 16 cm, initial bullet velocity 426
± 15 m / s .;
2.3. Provide shield protection in accordance with standards PS - 1118, MIL - STD - 662F or equivalent. Bulk weighing 1.1016 grams
(17 grams FSP) at speed V50 = 670 m / sec.
3. Requirements related to the purpose of the ballistic helmet:
3.1. To ensure compatibility with the standard models of active anti-phonemes (Peltor mod. Com Tak), to have a base for mounting
AN / PVS-15 night vision goggles, to allow the wearing of M95 or equivalent, to have side rails for mounting accessories and
3.2. Have a quick release lock.
3.3. There are four belt length regulators (from the underlying system) to position the helmet on the head.
3.4. To have kinetic energy absorbing energy for the head and head, resistant to moisture and various temperature influences.
3.5. The padded belt is lined with leather and offer the possibility of two wearing modes:
3.5.1. Non-gastight helmet carrying mode - the strap covers the operator's front and bottom chin to securely secure the helmet;
3.5.2. Breastfeeding mode - the strap extends with the "CBRN Mask Extender" to cover the operator's chin from the bottom, not
interfering with the set gauge, but provides a sturdy attachment to the helmet.
3.6. The materials from which the helmet has been made are flame-resistant according to ACH CO / PD 05-04: 2007 or equivalent
(equivalence for protection under the same conditions and test methods).
4. Ergonomic requirements:
4.1. The ballistic helmet has the following parameters:
4.1.1. Dimensions: for size "XL" - (59 - 62 cm) ; for size "XXL" - (62 - 64.5 cm).
4.1.2. Weight (weight) of shell / shell only: for size "XL" - 1184 grams ± 3%; for "XXL" size - 1258 grams ± 3%.
4.1.3. Shelf / Shell Mass (weight) with Shelf and Absorbent System: for size "XL" - 1618 grams ± 3%; for size "L" - 1692 grams ± 3%.
4.1.4. Shelter / Shelf's unfolded protection area: for size "XL" - 1175 sq. cm; for size "XXL" - 1223 sq. cm.
4.1.5. Protected area of the head: for sizes "L / XL" - 707 sq. cm; for sizes "XL / XXL" - 745 sq. cm.
4.2. The helmet does not restrict the movements of the head in a vertical and horizontal plane.
4.3. The helmet has a low profile design to reduce the risk of limiting visibility when tracking targets.
5. Construction requirements for the ballistic helmet.
5.1. The shell / shell of the helmet is made of high-quality, aramid 7,37 mm thick.
5.2. To have a four point damping system (1) a Lux Worm - Dial Liner Kit "(with synthetic foam sweat pads (2) worm size adjustment
screw (3) and padded pads for Enhanced stability column (4)}.
5.3. Allow mounting of the accessory kit referred to in paragraph 1.1. and item 1.2. of this specification.
5.4. Have customers' bands on the shelf / helmet shell to attach additional accessories.
5.5. The geometry of the underlying system is designed so that straight lines are obtained between the shell / shell and the strap contact
points when the helmet is placed on the head and the belts are adjusted.
5.6. The helmet shell / shell can withstand an external non-ballistic blunt impact at a rate of <150 G's at 10 ft/s (3 м/ sec) for two
strokes at temperatures of -10 ° / 25 ° / 54 ° according to the ACH standard CO / PD 05-04: 2007 or equivalent (equivalence on
protection under the same conditions and test methods).
5.7. The helmet shell / shell keeps its ballistic properties at temperatures ranging from -60 ° F to + 160 ° F and resists adverse weather
conditions according to ACH CO / PD 05-04: 2007 standard or equivalent (protection equivalence under the same conditions and test
6. Requirements for masking, marking and packaging of the helmet:
6.1. The color of the helmet is camouflage (MultiCam) made up of the following 7 (seven) colors 1. Cream 524 - HEX # B8A78B 2.
Dark Brown 530 - HEX # 48352F 3. Yellow-brown 525 - HEX # 967860 4. Brown 529 - HEX # 6F573F 5. Dark green 528 - HEX #
5A613F 6. Olive oil 527 - HEX # 8C7D50 7. Pale green 526 - HEX # 85755C
6.2. On the inside of the shell there is an inscription:
6.2.1. Type of helmet (level of protection);
6.2.2. Size;
6.2.3. Batch number containing month and year of production;
6.2.4. Producer's tag.
7. Technical requirements related to the subject of the contract:
7.1. the proof of the ballistic properties of articles is certified by the submission of a certificate (certificate of test) by a certified
laboratory certifying the protective ballistic properties as described in the technical specification.
8. Shelf life of the products in which they retain their ballistic characteristics and provide 100% ballistic protection - not less
than 5 (five) years from the date of delivery.